Mock paper for campus placement 7

Mock campus paper for mechanical 7
1.. Effect of force on a body depends upon
a) magnitude b) direction c) position or line of action d) all of the above

2 Which of the following is not the unit of pressure
a) kg / cm^2 c) atmosphere d) mm of wcl d) Newton

3. The product of either force of couple with the arm of the couple is called
a) resultant couple b) moment of forces c) resulting coule d) moment of the couple

4. If a suspended body is struck at the centre of percussion, then the pressure on the axis passing through the point of suspension will be
a) maximum b) minimum c) zero d) infinity

5. The coefficient of friction depends upon
a) area of contact b) shape of the surfaces c) strength of the surfaces d) all of the above

6. The center of gravity of a triangle lies at the point of
a) concurrence of medians b) intersection of its altitudes c) intersection of besector of angles
d) intersection of diagonals

7. Dynamic friction as compared to static friction is
a) same b) more c) less d) may be less or more depending on nature of surfaces and velocity

8. Tangent of angle of friction is equal to
a) kinetic friction b) limiting friction c) angle of repose d) coefficient of friction

9. If n = no. of members and j = no. of joints, then for a perfect frame, n equals to
a) j – 2 b) 2j – 1 c) 2j – 3 d) 3j – 2 e) 2j – 4

10. Tension in string is maximum at
a) left support b) right support c) mid way d) quarter span e) three quarter span

11. If a body is transmitting torque T kgm at angular speed of Q radian/sec, then h.p. transmitted will be
a) TQ b) T / Q c) TQ / 102 d) TQ / 75 e) 75 TQ

12. For a machine to be self locking, its efficiency should be
a) 100 % b) less than 100 % c) less than 50 % d) more than 50 % e) none of the above

13. Energy is defined as
a) rate of doing work b) capacity of doing work c) power of doing work d) all of the above

14. One Newton is equal to
a) 10^7 dyne b) 10^5 dyne c) 10^4 dyne d) 10^3 dyne e) 10^2 dyne

15 . Cp equal Cv at
a) 0 °C b) 0 K c) 0 °F d) 0 °R

16. The coordination number for FCC crystal structure is
a) 4 b) 8 c) 12 d) 16

17. Which one of the following properties is more sensitive to increase in strain rate?
a) Yield Strength b) Proportional limit c) Elastic limit d) Tensile Strength

18. Heating the hypo eutectoid steels to 30 degree Celsius above the upper critical temperature line, soaking at the temperature and the cooling slowly to room temperature to form a pearlite and ferrite structure, is known as
a) Hardening b) Normalising c) Tempering d) Annealing

19. Fusion curve on p-t diagram for all substances possesses the following slope
(a) zero (b) infinity (c) positive (d) variable

20. Stirling and Ericsson cycles are
(a) reversible cycles (b) irreversible cycles (c) quasi static cycles (d) semi reversible cycles

21. . The ratio of actual discharge to theoretical discharge through an orifice is equal to
a) Cc * Cv b) Cc * Cd c) Cv * Cd d) Cd / Cv

22. A dimensionless heat transfer coefficient which gives a measure of the ratio of the heat transfer rate to the rate at which heat would be conducted within the fluid under a temperature gradient is known as
a) Reynolds number b) Grashoff number c) Nusselt number d) Peclet number

23.. A liquid is boiling in air tight vessel. Using an exhaust tube, the vapour is pumped out at a faster rate. What happens to the liquid?
a) Temperature goes down, boiling continues b) Temperature goes up, boiling continues
c) Temperature goes down, boiling stops d) None of these

24.The most preferred process for casting gas turbine blades is
a) die moulding b)shell moulding c)investment moulding d)sand casting

25.Which one of the following lubricants is most suitable for drawing mild steel wires?
a) Sodium stearate b)Water c)Lime-water d) Kerosene

26.The gating ratio 2:8:1 for copper in gating system design refers to the ratio of areas of
a) Sprue: Runner :Ingate b) Runner: Ingate :Sprue c) Runner: Sprue : Ingate d) Ingate : Runner :Sprue

27. For an ideal fluid flowing through a horizontal pipe, Bernoulli’s equation states that the sum of the pressure and energy per unit volume along the pipe does which of the following? (Assume measurements are taken along the pipe in the direction of fluid flow.)
a.increases as the pipe diameter increases b. decreases as the pipe diameter increases
c .remains constant as the pipe diameter increases
d. increases, then decreases as the pipe diameter increases

28. A municipal water supply is provided by a tall water tower. Water from this tower flows to a building. How does the water flow out of a faucet on the ground floor of a building compare with the water flow out of an identical faucet on the second floor of the building?
a. Water flows more rapidly out of the ground-floor faucet.
b. Water flows more rapidly out of the second-floor faucet.
c. Water flows at the same speed out of both faucets.
d. The speed of the water flow cannot be determined unless the height of the water tower is known.

29. A person is standing near the edge of a railroad track when a high-speed train passes. The person tends to be
a. pushed away from the train. c. pushed upward into the air.
b. pulled toward the train. d. unaffected by the train.

30.An equipment has been purchased for Rs. 120 and is estimated to have 10 years life and a scrap value of Rs. 20 at the end of life. The book value of the equipment at the end of sixth year when the interest rate is 5%(using declining balance methods) will be
a) Rs. 40.95 b)Rs. 51.25 c) Rs. 55.00 d)Rs. 59.25

31. Work study is mainly aimed at
a) Determining the most efficient method of performing a job
b) Establishing the minimum time of completion of job
c) Developing the standard method and standard time of a job
d) Economizing the motions involved on the part of the worker while performing a job

32.. In manufacturing management, the term “ Dispatching” is used to describe
a) Dispatch of sales order b)Dispatch of factory mail c)Dispatch of finished product to the user
e) Dispatch of work orders through shop floor

33. . Minimum work in compressor is possible when the value of adiabatic index n is equal to
(a) 0.75 (b) 1 (c) 1.27 (d) 1.35

34. The critical path of a network is the path that
a) Takes the shortest time b) Takes the longest time c) Has the minimum variance
d) Has the maximum variance

35..It is given that the actual demand is 59 units, a previous forecast 64 units and smoothening factor 0.3. What will be the forecast for next period, using exponential smoothing?
a) 36.9 units b)57.5 units c) 60.5 units d)62.5 units

36. Maximum shear stress in Mohr’s circle is equal to
(a) radius of circle (b) diameter of circle (c) chord of circle (d) centre of circle from y-axis

37. The circumferential stress induced in a thin walled cylindrical vessel is
(a) pD/2t (b) pD/4t (c) pD/t (d) pD/6t

38. The moment diagram for a cantilever beam whose free end is subjected to a bending moment will be
(a) triangle (b) rectangle (c) parabola (d) cubic parabola

39. Zero bending moment in a fixed beam of length “L” carrying uniformly distributed load will occur at
(a)L/2 (b) L/3 (c) L/4 (d) L/6

40. . Sometimes ice is white in colour. It is due to
(a) cooling rapidly (b) sub cooling (c) blowing air during freezing process
(d) presence of dissolved air/gases and impurities

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