Acronyms related to Oil & Gas Industry

AC - Alternating Current
AGA - American Gas Association
API - American Petroleum Institute
CCR -Central Control Room
CMS - Condition Monitoring Systems
CSP - Collector and Separation Platform
DC - Direct Current
DYNPOS - Dynamic positioning (of rigs and ships)
E&P - Exploration and Production
EOR - Enhanced Oil Recovery
ESD - Emergency Shut Down system
ESP - Electric Submerged Pump
F&G - Fire & Gas System
FPSO - Floating Production Storage and Offloading
GB(S) - Gravity Base Structure
GOR - Gas Oil Ratio from the well
GOSP - Gas Oil Separation Plant
GTP - Gas Treatment Platform
HP - High Pressure
HPU - Hydraulic Power Unit (topside utility for subsea)
HVAC - Heat Ventilation and Air Conditioning
IR - Infra Red
ISO - International Standards Organization
K-Mass Flow - Coriolis type Mass Flow meter
LNG - Liquified Natural Gas
LP - Low Pressure
LPG - Liquified Petroleum Gas
MCC - Motor Control Centre
MTBF - Mean Time Between Failure
NGL - Natural Gas Liquids,
OISD - Oil Industry Safety Directorate
PCP - Progressive Cavity Pump
PD-Meter : Positive Displacement meter
PGP - Power Generation Platform
PID - Proportional Integral Derivate control algorithm
PIMS - Production Information Management System
PoC - Pimp of controller
POSMOR - Position mooring for a floating facility
PSD - Process Shutdown System
ROV - Remote Operated Vehicle (for subsea workover)
RTU - Remote Terminal Unit
SAS - Safety and Automation System
SCADA - Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
SPM - Single Point Mooring
TIP - Tie-In Platform
TLP - Tension Leg Platform
UMS - Unmanned Machinery Space classification
URF - Umbilicals, Risers and Flowlines
UV - Ultra Violet
WHP - Well Head Platform

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