
NIPFP National Institute of Public Finance and Policy
NCAER National Council for Applied Economic Research
NIFM National Institute of Financial Management
CBDT Central Board of Direct Taxes
CBEC Central Board of Excise and Customs
DEA Department of Economic Affairs
FIEO Federation of Indian Export Organizations
GFI Global Financial Integrity
OFCs offshore financial centres
DTAA double tax avoidance agreements
TIEA tax information exchange agreements
VDIS voluntary disclosure of income schemes
ASRB Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board
ICAR Indian Council of Agricultural Research
ACI Adsorber Chamber Internals
ACCS Adsorber Chamber Control System
CRCS Catalyst Regenerator Control System
ACQ Annual Contract Quantity
QCQ Quarterly Contract Quantity
ACP Asian Contract Price
DSD Delvery Start Date
CP Conditions Precedent
CP Contract Prices
L/C Letter of Credit
CAPCO China American Petrochemical Company
OPTC Oriental Petrochemical Taiwan Corporation
CMP China Main Port
CPC Chinese Petrochemical Company
MCC Mitsubishi Chemical Company
PTA Purified Terephthalic Acid
SM Styrene Monomer
TFI Total Fixed Investments
TPPI Trans-Pacific-Petrochemical Indotama
LAB Linear Alkyl Benzene
EPA Environment Protection Agency
MSAT Mobile Source Air Toxins
CMAI Chemical Market Associates, Inc
CAPS Commercial Analysis & Planning System
AAGR Average Annual Growth Rate
FOB Free On Board
CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight
FAS Free Alongside Ship
TDP Toulene Dispro Portionation
STDP Selective Toulene Dispro Portionation
PPP Purchasing Power Parity
EISA Energy Independence & Security Act
DMT DiMethyl Terephthalate
JIS Japanese Industrial Standard
LDB Low Speed Dynamic Balancing Test
BIL Basic Insulation Level
BMCR Boiler Maximum Continuous Rating
CCGT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine
HHV High Heat Value
CERC Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
GEIIPL General Electric India Industrial Private Limited
FG Function Generator
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
VMS Vibration Monitoring System
OPC OLE for Process Control
SAT Site Acceptance Test
TDI Transient Data Interface
QA Quality Assurance
TM Trip Multiply
NE Normally Energized
NDE Normally De-Energized
NC Normally Closed
NO Normally Open
WFM Water Cum Foam Monitor
EDLI ELectronic Drum Level Indicator
LT Long Travel
CT Cross Travel
BKM Battery and Key Switch Module
CP Control Processor
DC Direct Current
DSCR Document Schedule and Control Register
DI Digital Input
AI Analog Input
AO Analog Output
DO Digital Output
DMR Dual Modular Redundant
DTI Diagnostic Test Interval
ELD Earth Leakage Detector
FB Function Block
FDS Functional Design Specification
FLD Functional Logic Diagrams
FTA Field Terminal Assembly
FTE Fault Tolerant Ethernet
IS Intrinisic Safe
LM Line Monitoring
MCB Miniature Circuit Breaker
MCP Manual Call Point
MOS Maintenance Override Switch
NSR Non Safety Related
PFD Probability of Failure on Demand
PKS Process Knowledge System
PSU Power Supply Unit
QMR Quadruple Modular Redundant
QPP Quad Processor Pack
SDO Safety related DO
SDOL Safety related Loop Monitored DO
SFF Safe Failure Fraction
SIC System Interconnection cable
SIS Safety Instrument Shelter
SIL Safety Integrity Level
SM Safey Manager
SMOD Secondary Mean of De-Energization
SOE sequence Of Events
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
IP Internet Protocol
USI University Safety Interface
IEC International Electronical Commission
ISA Instrument Society of America
CSA Canadian Standards Association
FM Factory Manual

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