What covers under IBR

Steam lines with conditions listed below fall in the scope of Indian Boiler Regulations (IBR). All lines falling under IBR purview must comply with IBR requirements.

·         Lines having design pressure (maximum working pressure) 3.5 Kg/cm2 (g) & above

·         Line sizes 10" inside diameter & above having design pressure 1.0 Kg/cm2 (g) & above

·         Lines with pressure less than 1.0 Kg/cm2 (g) are exclusion.

·         User of steam like steam tracing lines, jacket of the steam jacketed lines, steam heating coil within the equipment are excluded from IBR scope.

·         All steam users where downstream piping is connected to IBR i.e. condensate flushed to generate IBR stream are covered under IBR

·         Boiler feed water lines to steam generator, condensate lines to steam generator and flash drum as marked in P&ID shall be under purview of IBR.

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