Think and try to solve the problems from Tech. fests

Problem 1:

To make a catapult/a shooting arrangement that throws the balls to demolish a given structure in minimum number of tries.
Round 1:
Abstract submission- Submission of an abstract with brief details about the shooting mechanism, triggering mechanism, expected cost etc. The abstract will be judged on the basis of innovativeness, creativity and feasibility of the model.
Round 2:
Preliminary round -For eliminations the students are required to present their catapults which will be judged on the basis of the performance in terms of range, reloading time, effectiveness of the shooting mechanism and how well it resembles your abstract
Round 3:
Final Round –This will be the final round in which you are required to demolish a given structure (structure similar to angry balls).

Structure that has to be demolished will be at a distance of 2.5m to 3.5m and structure will be spread in 1m distance.
Structure will be made of plywood and thermocol blocks. Instead of pigs there will be balloons and will be made in such a way that a small hit may lead its death so all u need to just build a good catapult that fires the way you want.

For the final round, 5 balls of different weights will be given and their sequence will be decided by coordinators.
Uses of electric fields, magnetic fields, gun powder or any explosive will not be allowed to demolish the structure.
Shooting mechanism (setting the angle of projection) and throwing mechanism should not be operated manually. It should be by a motored arrangement or any mechanical system (e.g.- Gear system). Using mechanical system will be preferred.
It is not necessary to make a reloading mechanism however you can make it to get bonus marks.

Marking scheme:
1- Round 1 and 2 will be judged in 50 marks (20+30).
2- For round 3, marking will be given as given below criterion-
If ball only hits on structure nothing else happens - 5 marks/ ball
If ball hits on structure that lead to kill the bubbles- 8 marks/killed bubbles.
If ball hits bubble directly (any contact made between ball and bubble may be directly or after rebound) and kill it-10 marks/killed bubble.
If ball makes a large collapse to structure (at least 5 columns should be fall) – 20 marks.

Problem 2: 

To design an automobile using an unconventional power source.
Automobile could be of any size but remember heavier the vehicle more power it will require. Designed vehicle may or may not involve any steering mechanism.
1. Abstract Submission- Submission of an abstract with brief details about the design, driving mechanism, expected cost etc. The abstract will be judged on the basis of innovativeness, creativity and feasibility of the model.
2. Elimination Round- The students are required to give a 5 slide presentation. The round will be judged on basis of presentation. The presentation should be able to tell the function of every part used in the vehicle.
3. Final Round-The students will give the presentation in front of judges followed by the testing of the actual model. It should be able to move a minimum distance of 10 times its length. Design should involve a power source.
1. Design should involve a power source other than conventional sources. Thus use of electricity and design of conventional IC engine will not be entertained.
2. It should be able to move a minimum distance of 10 times its length.
1. Round 1+ Round 2 = 50 marks Round 3 = 150 marks
2. In final round marking will be done on basis of total length the vehicle will travel (don’t worry for exact length, the distance will be relative to the size of the vehicle) thus compactness will be of great importance.
3. If your power source is able to provide power in periods it will fetch you bonus marks.
4. Additional points for steering mechanism if added.

Problem 3:
To design a cryptex which should have a password for opening and a destruction mechanism if tried to open force fully.
1. Abstract Submission- Submission of an abstract with brief details about the design, destruction mechanism etc. The abstract will be judged on the basis of innovativeness, creativity and feasibility of the model.
2. Elimination Round- The students are required to give a 5 slide presentation. Will be judged on basis of presentation.
3. Final Round-The students will give the presentation in front of judges followed by the testing of the actual model .It should have a password for opening and a destruction mechanism if tried to open force fully
1. Round 1+Round 2=50 marks Round 3=150 marks
2. In final round judging will be done on basis of working of cryptex (whether it works or not ),destruction mechanism, its aesthetic value, length of password (minimum 3 letters),and its resemblance with abstract and presentation.

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