1.the existence of velocity potential implies that
a. fluid is in continuum
b. fluid is irrotational
c. fluid is ideal
d. fluid is compressible
2 . froude number is the ratio of
a. inertia force to vicous force
b. , , , , , serfacetention force
c. , , , , , , , , , ,,,buoyancy force
d. ,,,,,, ,,,,, gravitational force
3. the joule thompson co_efficient for an ideal
gas is
a. =0 at all temp. and pressures.
b. >0 at all temp. and pressures.
c. <0>
d. Can have any value depending on all temp. and
e. 4.the coefficient of performance of
carnot heat pump operating
between -5 degree centigrade and 27 degree
centigrade is
a. 0.111
b. .1
c. 9
d. 10
5. a cylinder piston assembly contains a certain
quantity of gas and an electrical registor. The
registor is connected to a storage battery and
current flows through it for a specified interval of
time while the gas pressure is kept const. Considering
the gas and the resistor as a thermodynamic
system,which of the following statement is correct
a. energy is added as heat and work is done by the
b. energy is added as heat and work is done on the
c. energy is added as work and work is done by the
d. energy is added as work and work is not done on
6. knocking tendency in I.C. engine reduces with
increases in ...(a. compression ratio, b. wall
temperature., c. engine speed , d. supercharging)
7. the specific speed of kaplan turbine ranges
between...(a. 0-40 ,b. 40 - 60 ,c. 60-300, d.
8. a compressive fluid can be acclerated from subsonic
to supersonic speed using a ...(a. convergent nozzle,
b. divergent nozzle, c. convergent- divergent nozzle,
d. divergent- convergent nozzle)
9.shear stress on mutually perpendicular planes
arc...(a. zero, b. minimum, .c maximum, d. equal)
10.ans. p2L3/6EI
11. the bolts in a rigid flanged coupling connecting
two shaft tranmitting power are subjected to ....(
ans. shear force and bending moment)27. the hookes
joint consists of---(a. one fork, b. two fork, c.
three fork , d. four fork)
28. idler pulley is used to ----(a. change the
direction of the motion of the belt, b. apply tension
,c. increase velocity ratio , d . none of the above)
29. throw of a cam is the maximum distance of the
follwoer from---(a. base circle, b. pitch circle, c.
root circle, d. prime circle)
30. in a plate cam mechanism with reciprocating roller
follower, the follower has a constant acceleration in
the case of......(a. cycloidal motion, b. simple
harmonic motion, c. parabolic motion, d. 3-4-5
polynomial motion)
31. cross helical gear are used for---(a. parallel
shaft, b. non parallel intersecting shaft, d. shaft
with large speed ratio)
32. an allen bolt is------(a. self locking bolt, b.
provided with hexagonal depression in head, c. used in
high speed component, d. provided with countersunk
33. the designation M32 X 2 of a bolt refers
to......(a. metric thread of 33 number in 2 cm., b.
metric thraed of 33 outsiide dia. and 2 mm pitch, c.
metric threads of 33mmnominal dia. and 2mm pitch, d.
none of the above)
34. the percentage of carbon in eutectoid steel
is...(a. .02%, b. .30% , c. .80%, d. 1.20%)
35.in deep drawing sheet the value of the limiting
draw ratio depends on...(a.percentage elongation of
sheet metal, b. yield strength of sheet metal, c. type
of press used, d. thickness of sheet)
36. the taper of a terminal dovetail can be measured
with the help of ....(a. sine bar , b. combination
set, c. balls of standard dimensions and silp gauges ,
d. dial gauges)
37. the measuring tip of a comparator, for general use
should be...(a. flat , b. spherical, c. conical, d.
38. the type of welding in which a pool of molten
metal used is.....(a. electoslag b. MIG, c. TIG, d.
submerage arc.)
39 . the rake angle in a drill ...(a. increases from
centre to periphery, b. decreases from center to
periphery, c. remains constant, d. is irrelevent to
drilling operation)
40. the best pross of making holes in a glass which is
having compareable size with the thicknessw of the
sheet...(a. CNC machining , b. ultrasonic machinning ,
c. electric discharge machining, d. electrochemical
machining )
41. cast iron pipe is made of following prosses...(a.
die casting , b. investment casting, c. drop forging
,d. centrifugal casting)
42. the taper in lathe spindle is ... (a. 1:10, b. 1:
15, c. 1:20, d. 1:30)
43. a milling cutter having 8 teeth is rotating at 150
rpm. if the feed per tooth is 0.1mm the table speed in
mm is-----(a. 70, b. 120, c. 125, d. 187)
44. depth of finishing cut on a milling machine is of
the order of....(a. 0.01 to 0.1mmm, b. 0.1 to 0.3 mm,
c. 0.4 to 0.8mm, d. 0.8 to 1.2mm)
45. ia PERT the distribution of activity time is
assumed to be......(a. normal b. gamma c. beta, d.
probably mech !!
Machines - Robots - Automobiles - Energy - Never Ending Technology - Power - Go Green - Pumps - Compressors - Power Plant - CAD - Cooling Tower - Oil & Gas - Heat Exchangers - Interview - Mock campus - Ship - Materials ...
questions from Alstom
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