
Water Pollution: - Save River Ganges

Scientists from the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) have developed a new
"super sock" technology that helps to prevent pollution from flowing down
storm drains and back into water supplies. These socks wrap around storm
drains and trap pollutants like pesticides, heavy metals and petroleum
products from making their way into oceans and rivers.

Published in the Journal of Environmental Quality, the study on these socks
found that these compost-filled mesh tubes remove most of the clay, silt and
other particles that are present in surface waters. In tests, the socks captured
17 percent of ammonium nitrogen, 75 percent of E. coli bacteria and up to 72
percent of heavy metals.

The socks also reduced gasoline run-off by 43 percent, motor oil run-off by 84
percent and diesel fuel run-off by a whopping 99 percent.

However, researchers tried added flocculation agents to the mesh to see if
they could get even better results. Flocculation agents help substances to
clump together so they are more easily captured by filtration devices.
With added flocculation agents, the socks captured 27 percent of ammonium
nitrogen, up to 74 percent of heavy metals, and about 99 percent of E. coli
bacteria. They also captured more than half of gasoline run-off, and nearly all of
motor oil run-off.

Eliminating the chemicals those wash down our drains and into our water
supplies are clearly beneficial to both environmental and human health.

Considering the above example of “super sock” technology to reduce the
water pollution, suggest more new and innovative methods through which
we can save our river Ganges from day by day increasing water pollution.

The following are the bare minimum things that the participant should incorporate while giving their ideas:-
1. Practicality of the idea.
2. Idea should be original ,it should not be copied from any source.
3. The idea must be given keeping the Indian conditions in mind.
4. All the feasible technology/method can be discussed but all the steps must be lucidly explained.
5. Participants can also give multiple idea.

Source : Avishkar, Tech Fest of MNNIT, Allahabad

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