
Questions from Tech Fests on CAD softwares

Problem 1:
To design a concept City Bus that may or may not exist. Innovate the design (e.g. multi-storied bus etc.) such a way that could be celebrated as a real public transport especially for crowded countries like India . The must parts are: Wheels, lights, seats , exhaust and windows & doors.

Problem 2
To design a Concept Car that may or may not exist . Innovate the design that
could bring about improved ergonomy to the user and boost the performance of the vehicle. The must parts are: Wheels, seats, steering, exhaust and windows & doors.

Problem 3
To design a Concept Bike that may or may not exist. Innovate the design to improve the ergonomic of the user as well as the performance of the bike . The must parts are: Wheels, handle, head light(s), fuel tank, seat, exhaust and the suspension system.

Problem 4
To model a pistol. Innovate the design to improve the ergonomy of the user. The must parts are: Trigger, barrel , magazine tube, recoil spring, main spring, slide and frame.

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