
Thermosiphoning Air Panels

 Thermosiphoning Air Panels. Thermosiphoning air panels (TAPs) are also appropriate for use on metal buildings either as retrofits or in new construction. Two configurations occur in practice and the first, which is referred to as a frontflow system. Again there are one or more glazing layers over an absorbing metal surface but, in this case, the metal panel is insulated on the back side. Heat

transfer to the interior occurs via circulation vents cut through the metal panel and its insulation at the upper and lower extremes. Solar radiation absorbed on the the outer surface of the panel is converted to heat and convected to the adjacent air which then rises due to buoyancy forces and passes through the upper vent into the living space. The warm air leaving the gap between the inner glazings and the absorber is replaced by cooler air from the building interior that enters through the lower vents. In this manner, a buoyancy driven loop is established and sustained as long as the temperature in the air gap exceeds that in the living space. Passive backdraft dampers or manually operated vent closures must be employed to prevent reverse circulation at night. Backdraft dampers are usually made of a lightweight plastic material suspended above a metal grid such that air flows freely in one direction but is blocked should the flow attempt to reverse.

The second type of TAP configuration is called a backflow system. In a backflow system, the flow channel is behind the absorber plate rather than in front of it. An insulated stud wall is constructed a few inches behind the metal panel and vents are then cut at the top and bottom of the wall. Air in the flow channel thus formed is heated by convection from the back of the absorber panel and a circulation loop is established in the same manner as in a front flow system.

TAPs have thermal storage requirements similar to those of direct gain and radiant panel systems. Generally speaking, the best performance will be obtained from passive solar systems associated with high heat capacity structures. Although a backflow TAP performs slightly better than a comparable system in the frontflow configuration, the difference is not significant and construction costs should govern any choice between the two. Both TAP configurations outperform radiant panels and direct gain systems with comparable glazings and thermal storage mass. This performance edge is due to the low aperture conductance of TAPs, which can be insulated to arbitrary levels, thereby limiting night time heat loss.

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