Machines - Robots - Automobiles - Energy - Never Ending Technology - Power - Go Green - Pumps - Compressors - Power Plant - CAD - Cooling Tower - Oil & Gas - Heat Exchangers - Interview - Mock campus - Ship - Materials ...
Topics/ Projects/ Research
A Glass that allows only light but not heat can be used as top roof(non accessible) of a building or wall to reduce energy consumption while sunlight is available - Go Green.
Floating Bridge (wider and safer for walk)
Sinking of a ship to take more time so that the rescue team can arrive and save it.
Identify the need for proper writing instrument for following
1. A booking clerk sitting on railway goods office to write fastly
2. An engineering student to write in an examination hall
3. An officer in a bank who has to sign check books
Find whether the writing instrument for 3 different cases are going to be the same
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